Emma K Eccles

Welcome to my blog. Forgive me if it grows in sporadic bursts, as I spend most of my time painting (it's quite time consuming!).
However, I used to spend most of my time writing and I still have the urge to express myself in words as well... Emma K Eccles.

Friday, 19 July 2013

...Breathe into my soul unspoken meaning

Breathe into my soul unspoken meaning
Like whisperings of dawn upon my day
Wake the weary essence of my being
Step softly through the dew along my way

Drown out the steady stream of conscious thought
Crash like a tidal wave upon my shore
Until my mind forgets what living taught
And, overwhelmed by feeling, thinks no more

Ignite within my body such desire
As though black gold were rushing through my veins
And touch could set the whole of me on fire
To burn until no sense of self remains

These are as dreams my sleeping can’t contain
Till woken by your presence once again.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The search for meaning

I encountered ‘Man's Search For Meaning’ by Victor E. Frankl when I borrowed some books from a fellow Counselling student, but what drew me (and a few million others) to read it was the title. Compared to the countless other self-help titles, this book, written in just nine days, holds a worthy place at the top of this genre.
 It is both a psychological, and very personal, account of Frankl’s experiences as a prisoner in concentration camps during World War Two. It focuses on how he learnt to deal with the incredible horror of his situation, emerging with his sanity intact and his spirit, if anything, stronger than ever. Already a psychotherapist, he went on to develop Logotherapy, outlined in part two of this book. The premise of his theory is that man can find meaning in any existence, which makes life purposeful even in the ‘living hell’ of the camps, and  "When we are no longer able to change a situation… we are challenged to change ourselves".

 ‘Changing ourselves’ can be a huge challenge, and there are some situations in life that it is difficult to imagine how anyone can find a way to cope with them. Perhaps this is why the search for some kind of meaning is so important to people.
 Mankind has always sought to make sense of things… through religion, philosophy, science… and the more confusing or difficult our personal experience of life is, the more desperate we can be for answers.
 Sometimes, when we are in a difficult situation or controlling relationship, 'changing ourselves' can seem like the easier option, because we feel that we are not able to change the situation… sometimes we crush ourselves in the process, trying to conform to what ourselves, or others demand of us. It can be difficult to see that we have options, but we usually do have some choice. We are not all confined to concentration camps, and our options are not usually so limited or extreme. Reading "Man's search for meaning" taught me that in any situation I probably have more choice than I realise.

 I believe that we do have the inner resources that we need in life. There are times when we have to make tough choices. We need to have more faith in ourselves and learn to ignore (or reason with) the negative, critical voice in our own head. Listening to that voice is like turning your back on a friend when they need you most… develop an inner voice that accepts you for who you are, no unreasonable expectations, or unkind judgements, one that’s on your side. Otherwise you're just getting in your own way.

 And the search for meaning? I think that is, and should be, a personal journey… there are a lot of other people quite happy to provide us with answers, right or wrong. Whatever answers, truths, meanings are out there, you can only really ‘find’ them inside yourself.